
Design taxon-specific gRNA-target-sites, thereby the taxon-specific sgRNA to direct Cas9 to cut host 18S rRNA genes but not microeukaryotes in order to reveal eukaryotic microbiomes associated with metazoans and plants using the CRISPR-Cas Selective Amplicon Sequencing (CCSAS) 🚀

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Molecular biology









February 2019 – Present
Vancouver, Canada

Research Associate

University of British Columbia

Having more fun for viruses and microorganisms in:

  • Environmental Virology
  • Environmental Microbiology
  • Microbiome
  • Marine Science
  • Data mining
February 2014 – January 2019
Vancouver, Canada

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

University of British Columbia

Delicating in research expedition in Environmental Virology and Microbiology (PI: Dr. Curtis Suttle)
October 2010 – January 2014
Thonon-les-bains, France

Graduate Student Research Assistant

INRA UMR CARRTEL 42 - French National Institute for Agricultural Research

Thesis: Freshwater dsDNA viral diversity: A special emphasis on viruses infecting phytoplankton (cyanophages and phycodnaviruses) and T4-like myophages in peri-alpine lakes (PI: Dr. Stéphan Jacquet)
January 2010 – July 2010
Lyon, France

Graduate Student Research Assistant

CNRS UMR 5005 - Ampere Laboratory of Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Environmental Microbial Genomic Group

Thesis: Metal and antibiotic resistome in mining soils (PI: Dr. Elizabeth Navarro & Dr. Marina Henry)
October 2008 – May 2009
Lyon, France

Graduate Student Research Assistant

CNRS-INSA-UCBL UMR 5240 - Laboratory of Microbiology, Adaptation and Pathogenesis

Thesis: Genetic study of nickel and cobalt resistant genes (PI: Dr. Marie-A. Mandrand)
October 2004 – March 2006
Canton, China

Merchandiser / Senior Merchandiser

Luenthai Holdings Ltd. (HK)

Responsibilities include:

  • Coordinate customers and foreign EMO factories
  • Manage orders and suppliers
  • Manage sampling and bulk-production to ensure quality and delivery
August 2003 – August 2004
Canton, China


Guangzhou Lydia Fashion Ltd. (South Korea)

Responsibilities include:

  • English/Mandarin Interpreter
  • Quality inspection for wedding dress and knitting top for USA and Latin America market sale


The Croucher summer course on: Climate Change and Marine Ecosystems

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

EFFS Award for the best European PhD Dissertation in Freshwater Sciences, 2013-2014

European Federation for Freshwater Sciences (EFFS)

Master 2 course on: Microbial Diversity and Biochemistry of Oceans

Université Pierre et Marie Curie

Recent Publications

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This work reports the first genome and genomic analysis of a freshwater cyanosiphovirus. With the largest BS and the longest period …

In this chapter, we summarize and discuss methods used to study viral interactions in aquatic environments. These methods to assess …

During the past 30 years, a vast amount of articles has been published on the importance - in terms of abundance, diversity and …

Microviridae is a subset of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) viruses infecting bacteria. This group of phages has been previously observed …

Little is known about Phycodnavirus (or double‐stranded DNA algal virus) diversity in aquatic ecosystems, and virtually, no information …

Bacteriophages play an important role in plankton population dynamics and biogeochemical cycling, but their community dynamics and …

Double-stranded DNA viruses infecting eukaryotic algae (e.g., phycodnaviruses) and cyanobacteria (e.g., cyanophages) are now recognized …

Microbial dynamics have rarely been investigated in Lake Geneva, known as the largest lake in western Europe. From a 5-month survey, we …

We sampled the surface waters (2–50 m) of two deep peri-alpine lakes over a 1-year period in order to examine (1) the abundance, …

We conducted a 1-year survey of the surface waters of two deep peri-alpine lakes, and investigated the abundances and community …

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R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For …




New method that uses CRISPR-cas9 to specifically cut the host 18S rRNA gene and reveals host-associated eukaryotic microbiomes

PhD project

Phytoplankton viruses in peri-alpine lakes

External Project

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I gave guest lectures for the following courses at University of British Columbia:

  • EOSC 475: Marine Microbiology


  • (+1)604-827-5715
  • 2212 Main Mall, Biodiversity Research Centre, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada
  • Monday 13:00 to 15:00
    Wednesday 13:00 to 15:00
    Otherwise email to book an appointment
  • DM Me
  • Skype Me

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Design taxon-specific gRNA-target-sites and thereby taxon-specific sgRNA to guide Cas9 cut host 18S rRNA genes but not microeukaryotes to reveal eukaryotic microbiomes associated with hosts using CCSAS 🚀