
PhD project

Phytoplankton viruses in peri-alpine lakes

Methods and Technologies to Assess Viral Interactions in the Aquatic World

In this chapter, we summarize and discuss methods used to study viral interactions in aquatic environments. These methods to assess interactions between viruses, hosts and the environment (including other viruses) are operationally separated into …

Virus Interactions in the Aquatic World

During the past 30 years, a vast amount of articles has been published on the importance - in terms of abundance, diversity and functional roles - of viruses inhabiting the aquatic world (either marine or freshwater), which include several excellent …

Dynamics of auto- and heterotrophic picoplankton and associated viruses in Lake Geneva

Microbial dynamics have rarely been investigated in Lake Geneva, known as the largest lake in western Europe. From a 5-month survey, we report dynamic patterns of free-living virus, bacteria and small phytoplankton abundances in response to a variety …

Variations in abundance, genome size, morphology, and functional role of the virioplankton in Lakes Annecy and Bourget over a 1-year period.

We sampled the surface waters (2–50 m) of two deep peri-alpine lakes over a 1-year period in order to examine (1) the abundance, vertical distribution, genome size, and morphology structures of the virioplankton; (2) the virus-mediated bacterial …

Dynamics of various viral groups infecting autotrophic plankton in Lake Geneva

Viral community structure and dynamics were investigated for the first time in surface waters (0–20 m) of Lake Geneva over a 5-month period between July and November 2011. Abundances of autotrophic picoplankton, heterotrophic bacteria and virus-like …